All movies from Evie Rees

To celebrate the studio's 20th anniversary, discover or rediscover some of the most exciting...

Bumma mia!

With: Blue Honey, Kathia Nobili, Evie Rees, Venom Evil, Jesus Reyes, Nick Lang, Billy King

To celebrate the studio's 20th anniversary, discover or rediscover some of the most exciting anal scenes from the Joy Bear catalog.

When Nico (Marcus Quillan) and Jolene (Jasko Fide) are invited away by their polyamorous friend...


With: Evie Rees, Jasko Fride, Loveday, Viktoria Quinn, Billy King, Marcus Quillan, Luke Hardy

When Nico (Marcus Quillan) and Jolene (Jasko Fide) are invited away by their polyamorous friend Edie (Evie Rees), their eyes are opened to a smorgasbord of sexual possibilities.

Red hot passion between lovers has always existed, yet attitudes to sex, modesty and gender...

Sexual (R)evolution

With: Evie Rees, Viktoria Quinn, Tindra Frost, Yiming Curiosity, Lola Marie, Sam Bourne, Marcus Quillan, Chris Cobalt

Red hot passion between lovers has always existed, yet attitudes to sex, modesty and gender roles continue to evolve. You may feel you're modern, but just how much of a Sexual Revolution will you take part in?

Sexual (R)evolution Sexual (R)evolution Sexual (R)evolution Sexual (R)evolution Sexual (R)evolution Sexual (R)evolution
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