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Dorcel is committed to adult pleasure
Respect of personal data
Protection of minors
Strict production code
Clear pricing and commitment
39% of studios committed to responsible adult content production
Responsible editorial charter
Dorcel is committed to adult pleasure
Respect of personal data
Clear pricing and commitment
Protection of minors
39% of studios committed to responsible adult content production
Strict production code
Responsible editorial charter

In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, relative to the Data processing, the Files and the Freedoms, you have a right of access and rectification of the personal data concerning you. The DORCEL group is committed to securing your information and keeping it strictly confidential. This information is processed by the DORCEL group to create, manage your DORCEL account, to provide you with information relating to the transactions made on the services of the DORCEL group, to personalize your services and to send you information and commercial offers from the DORCEL group. You have the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose your personal data by email:

More information by following this link: Privacy policy

* You can consult all the Terms and Conditions of Sale by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page. Here is an extract of the general conditions of sale : For your convenience, all our access offers are tacitly renewed, at their expiry date. You can, of course, at any time and at your convenience, suspend this renewal in the "my account" area (at the top right of the site) then you can click on "my subscription" and then on "Cancel my subscription". For any questions or problems, our customer support is at your disposal at the following address